Payment from Facebook Paypal Wishlist

i got another payment guys :)
this one from Facebook Paypal Wishlist. I've heard a rumor that this programme doesn't paid their members, but see..i got payment from this programme.
Here's payment proof..

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    You can See the maximum payment proof here:

    Paypal Wishlist Payment Proof

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Selamat sob, saya juga udah payout...lumayan buat traktir baso satu kampung..hehehe.....

  3. Anonymous Says:

    sama2 bro...kyna lebih gede neh dapet payout-nya? hehe

  4. pakdhe Marto Says:

    dapet juga....

    gue ikutan ini : buat nambahin lagi... lumayan 1.36$ per orang

  5. @Mbah Narto : iya ya ada program dari paypal lagi y?? ane cobain deh.. :)